Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 968 is the local arm of the International E.A.A., an organization devoted to promoting sport aviation including antique and classic aircraft, home-built and kit aircraft, ‘warbirds’, as well as cutting edge new-technology aircraft development. This chapter was started in the 1990’s, and they presently have 25 paid members. They meet at Southern Vermont Regional Airport in Clarendon, VT and have fly-in events. Learn about upcoming meetings and events.
Flight Training
- FAA Safety Team
- FAA Handbooks and Manuals for Aviation and Aircraft
- Airman Practical Test Standards
- Federal Aviation Regulations
- Aeronautical Information Manual
- Advisory Circulars
- Live Air Traffic Control Communications
- Live Air Traffic Control ATC Monitoring
Commercial Pilot Unions/Associations
- Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA)
- US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA)
- British Air Line Pilot’s Association
Aircraft, CFI, and Renter Insurance
Aviation Weather
Aviation Organizations
- AOPA – Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- NAFI – National Association of Flight Instructors
- WAI – Women in Aviation, International
- SAFE – Society of Aviation and Flight Educators
- The Ninety-Nines, Inc.
- EAA – Experimental Aircraft Association
- Whirly-Girls International
- Women Soaring Pilots Association
- IMC Club: Mastering the Art of Instrument Navigation